首页 / 育儿 / 【双语】日本新政:冷冻卵子、未成年人补贴,能否提高生育率?


最近,一项调查发现,在日本,近一半的30岁以下未婚人士对生孩子没有兴趣。这些成年人表示,出于经济考虑以及分娩和养育子女的负担,他们不想要孩子。Nearly half of unmarried people under 30 in Japan have no interest in having children, a recent survey by a firm found. The adults said they did not want children because of economic concerns and the burden of childbirth and parenting.

根据调查,在400名18至29岁的受访者中,49.4%的人表示他们不想要孩子。According to a survey conducted, of the 400 respondents between 18 and 29 years old, 49.4% said they do not want children.

调查发现,53%的男性和45.6%的女性对为人父母不感兴趣,原因包括高昂的生活成本和对日本未来的焦虑。The survey found that 53% of men and 45.6% of women are not interested in becoming parents, citing reasons like the high cost of living and anxiety about Japan’s future.

此前,政府数据显示,自1899年有记录以来,该国去年出生的婴儿数量首次降至80万以下。The results come after government data showed the number of babies born in the country last year dropped below 800,000 for the first time since records began in 1899.

日本灾难性的低出生率导致政府争相为其迅速老龄化的1.25亿人口提供一个光明的未来。政府试图提供一些项目来激励年轻人组建家庭。The catastrophically low birth rate in Japan has led the government to scramble to provide a clear future for it’s rapidly aging 125 million people. The government has sought to provide programs to incentivize young people to have families.

据《亚洲时报》报道,日本首相岸田文雄在2023年日本国会开幕式上发表讲话时表示,由于人口危机,日本“正处于无法维持社会功能的边缘”。In a speech at the opening of the 2023 session of Japan’s parliament, Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said that the country was “on the brink of not being able to maintain social functions” due to the population crisis, the Asia Times reported.

2022年4月,日本启动了儿童监督政策。东京都知事小池百合子宣布,计划在2023年1月向18岁或以下的东京居民提供每人每月5000日元(38美元)的福利,以帮助父母支付子女的教育费用。In April 2022, it launched the Children and Families Agency to oversee child policies.Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike announced plans to provide benefits of 5,000 yen ($38) per person per month to residents of Tokyo aged 18 or young to assist parents with the cost of their children’s education in January 2023.

根据东京政府的说法,日本首都每个学生每月的教育成本比全国平均水平高出约5000日元,这笔补助金旨在支付居住在首都的家庭的费用,并激励成年人组建家庭。According to the Tokyo Government, the cost of education in the Japanese capital exceeds the national average by approximately 5,000 yen per student per month, the handout is aimed to cover the costs for families living within the capital city as well as incentivize adults to start families.

东京当局3月宣布了一项由政府资助的计划,为女性居民提供卵子冷冻补贴。Tokyo authorities in March announced a government-funded program to subsidize egg freezing for women residents.

内阁官房副长官Isozaki Yoshihiko在一次简报中表示:“我们认识到,出生率下降是一个危急的情况”。“我的理解是,各种因素错综复杂地交织在一起,阻碍了个人实现结婚、分娩和养育孩子的希望。””We recognize that the falling birthrate is a critical situation,” said Yoshihiko Isozaki, a deputy chief cabinet secretary, in a briefing. “My understanding is that various factors are intricately intertwined, preventing individuals from realizing their hopes for marriage, childbirth and child-rearing.”

据《朝日新闻》报道,新政策可能从2023年开始,每年为多达300名东京居民每人提供高达30万日元(约合2200美元)的援助。The new policy will provide up to 300,000 yen (roughly $2,200) per person to as many as 300 Tokyo residents per year, potentially starting in 2023, The Asahi Shimbun reported.


