首页 / 国际 / 鲁伯特·默多克,92 岁,第五次订婚|美国之声

鲁伯特·默多克,92 岁,第五次订婚|美国之声

92 岁的亿万富翁鲁珀特·默多克 (Rupert Murdoch) 宣布与 66 岁的安·莱斯利·史密斯 (Ann Lesley Smith) 订婚,仅在两人初次见面六个月后,也就是他与第四任妻子离婚七个月后。你怎么看?-美国之声

Ninety-two-year-old billionaire Rupert Murdoch announced his engagement to 66-year-old Ann Lesley Smith just six months after the pair first met and seven months after his divorce from his fourth wife. What do you think?


“想到他 72 岁时她只有 46 岁,真是太疯狂了。”

“It’s crazy to think that when he was 72 she was only 46.”



“I might keep that honeymoon under two weeks.”



“Fine, but I’m not calling her Mom!”

Rupert Murdoch是一位媒体大亨,被誉为是全球最具影响力的传媒巨头之一。默多克的媒体帝国涵盖了新闻、出版、广播和影视等多个领域,旗下拥有Fox新闻、The Sun、The Times、Wall Street Journal等知名媒体。他在媒体行业拥有超过50年的经验,被誉为是现代传媒业的一位开创者。

Rupert Murdoch is a media tycoon and is regarded as one of the most influential media moguls in the world. Murdoch’s media empire covers a range of sectors including news, publishing, broadcasting, and film. His well-known media outlets include Fox News, The Sun, The Times, and The Wall Street Journal. With over 50 years of experience in the media industry, Murdoch is considered a pioneer in modern media.

默多克出生于澳大利亚墨尔本,曾在父亲创办的一家报纸工作。20世纪50年代,他开始将视野拓展到国际市场,先后收购了英国的The Sun和The Times等媒体,并在1986年创立了Fox Broadcasting Company。此后,默多克继续扩张其媒体帝国,收购了许多知名媒体,成为媒体业的巨头。

Murdoch was born in Melbourne, Australia, and started his career working for his father’s newspaper. In the 1950s, he began to expand his vision to the international market and acquired The Sun and The Times in the UK. In 1986, he founded the Fox Broadcasting Company. Since then, Murdoch has continued to expand his media empire by acquiring many well-known media outlets, becoming a media giant.


Murdoch’s position and influence in the media industry have been widely discussed. He has been regarded as one of the “most influential Australians in the world” and is also considered as a representative of the “right-wing figure”. However, he has also been criticized for the bias and inaccurate reporting of his media outlets. Nonetheless, Murdoch’s contributions and position in the media industry cannot be ignored.


